Exhibition News

With Concerted Efforts We Can Overcome the Difficulties ---Special series of " Love Can Defeat Virus "by Beijing Biennale


Angel, please save me / Dai Daquan / woodcut / 2020

     Since the special theme " Love Can Defeat Virus "epidemic prevention proposal launched, we received very positive feedback from domestic artists. Meanwhile, we also received sincere response from artists from all over the world. At the critical moment of fighting against the novel coronavirus pneumonia , artists use their works to spread great love ,bring the bright color and warmth to people and soothe the souls which once more proved art without borders and the idea of building a community of shared future for mankind. Here we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the artists from all over the world who participated in the creation of the theme! At present, the epidemic prevention and control has achieved a decisive stage victory. Although the publication of the special topic of epidemic prevention is over, artists will consciously keep using art to spread great love:

A Deep Bow / Liang Ji / public poster / 2020

To Warm this Chinese New Year with love 4 / Tang Dinghua / Comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

Gan Ruyi 1&5 / Yang Deyu / comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

A Tribute to the Hospital Nurses/Tang Hongsheng/Chinese painting/2020

Love of the bareheaded man 1&4 / Chen Yang / comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

Quick support / Guan Xiaohong / peasant painting / 2020

Delivering vegetables for no money 3& 5 / Yang Hongfu / comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

Tribute 1& 2 / Ye Xiong / comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

Environmental sanitation workers under the situation of epidemic prevention and control / Zhou Songlin / comic strips (excerpt) / 2020

Happy Fangfang / Zhan Guochao / Chinese painting / 2020 (reference material from online pictures)

Returning to work to help people out of poverty / Zhong Yingju / Chinese painting / 2020

The beautiful women who are making masks / Liu Zhenghong / Chinese painting / 2020 (from Hubei)

Salute /Wu Longquan / oil painting / 2020

We shared the common future / Yang Dexin / Chinese painting / 2020

Victory in sight / Kang Yongjun (Chefu) / Chinese painting / 2020

《凯旋 • 一》/张丽/中国画/2020
Triumph I / Zhang Li / Chinese painting / 2020

《凯旋 •二》/张丽/中国画/2020
Triumph II / Zhang Li / Chinese painting / 2020

God bless China / Lin Wei / Chinese painting /2020

I'll wait for you in spring / Wang Peng / Chinese painting

      In this edition, we also select some foreign artists' anti epidemic works. Some of them also send us the video to express their support.
Australia/Shen Jiawei/Dr. Wu Lien-teh, the Plague Fighter /oil on canvas


Austria/ Elmar Anton Peintner / Jumprider and Lambcarrier / Pencil and aquarell on paper

Bahrain/Adnan A.Rahman Al Ahmed/coming from the unknown material/oil on canvas
Bulgaria/ Andrey Yanev/ lotos in Love /watercolor


Chile/ Daniela Orlandi / Phagocytosis /sculpture, Stoneware and felt

Chile/ Regina Bittencourt / Love of the Healthworkers / mixed media

Costa Rica/ Crisanto Badilla / The Window / Pastel chalk on orange paper
Croatia/ Vinka Gasparus / 1000 cranes / oil on board

Cyprus/ Anetta Stylianou/At Play/watercolor

Germany/ Robert Hettich/ Influence / acrylic on canvas

Greece/ Florentia Oikonomidou/ Supplication / digital print

Greece/ Stella Mimikou/ Love heals, love saves lives, love does miracles / Mixed technique 

Greece/ Sofia Fotiadou/ Untitled/ oil on canvas

India/ Jayatri SAHA / Love and affection for a shared and bright future / Acrylic on canvas

India/ shatrudhan k. Gupta / Day and night, resonance at the same frequency / pen ink & threads on paper

Indonesia/Antonius Kho/Love Dance 3/mixed media on canvas

Iran/ Daryoush Habibkhani / Love can defeat Virus /digital painting

Iran/ Samira Alborzkouh /Love can defeat coronavirus /oil on canvas 

Lebanon/ LENA KELEKIAN / Love CHINA Love / acrylic on canvas

Malaysia/ Lee Sin Bee / The World's Hands Together to defeat the Corona Virus / cartoon

Malaysia/ Choong Kam Kow / Determined To Fight Epidemic • No Second Thought!/ acrylic on canvas

Monaco/Elizabeth Wessel/Harmony/acrylic on canvas+collage

Netherlands/ Yannis Koutsouradis / Fight for Nature, for People, for China / photography
Norway/ Hui Juan Melgaardsbakken / Sad / Castell

Pakistan/ Soraya Sikander / Cheers for China(part) /oil on canvas

Panama / Tatiana Santos / Prayers and everybody working together to get the victory with China / acrylic on canvas

Panama / Ramon H.Almanza / The Dragon's Crossroads / Chinese ink on canvas

Romania/ Videa Virginia / Continuity / oil on canvas

Serbia/ Bojan Bikić, / Linden tree / mezzotint 
Seychelles / George Camille / Displaced / backdrop painting

Caption of work:CORVID-19 is not my identity. We stand for China and the world to stay strong facing the world’s common enemy - virus.
Spain/Díaz Castedo/Crown of Thorns/acrylic on canvas

Switzerland/ Bernard Garo / Return Beauty, Monte Rosa 2020/ mixed media on canvas with natural stones 
Syria/ Lubna Yaseen/ Untitled / mixed media on wood

Turkey/ Nilgun Koseoglu/ ATA164 / woodcut

Turkey/ Nilgün Kılınçaslan / Uncertainty / wood-cut

Turkey/ Serpil özsalman / Revolt / print

The UK/ Rebecca Vincenzi/ The World's Hands Together to Stop the Corona Virus / oil paint on Paper

The UK / Fiona Stanbury / Social Integration, Peace and Opening Up / oil and acrylic on canvas

Vietnam / Nguyen Ngoc Dan / Upstream (in the Series Birds, Flowers, Fish and Women) / oil on canvas

      On March 5, the overseas edition of The People's Daily selected the British and Greek artists' anti epidemic works to publish. Rebecca Vincent, the British artist who created the oil painting " The World's Hands Together to Stop the Corona Virus ", was honored to accept the exclusive interview from The People's Daily. Rebecca Vincenzi is an art teacher born in The United Kingdom in 1968 and graduated from London University. Her work Night at Café de Flore, Paris was selected by the 8th Beijing International Art Biennale and showed at the National Art Museum of China in 2019. During the exhibition period, she came to China. Since then, she has had an inseparable relationship with China and she would pay attention to Chinese news every day. One day in January, she read in a major British National Newspaper as usual and a piece of news caused her attention. An unknown virus appeared in Wuhan, China and currently no treatment for this virus. This made her very worried about whether the epidemic would spread. Since then, Rebecca has been paying attention to the changes in China's epidemic situation and she wants to do something. The Chinese artists' spontaneous creation inspired her and she felt moved to begin an image straightaway.  Her art work took about 7 days to complete which expressed solidarity and prayer to the Chinese people. In this painting, the child represents hope and love, and wears green because green is the colour of new life.  The hands are the different skin tones of people of the world, joining either in prayer or solidarity. The flower represents life, when it rises despite the adversity of winter.  The candles represent prayer and the test tube is a wish for a vaccine developed through research and development. As Rebecca says, Our thoughts and prayers are with the courageous doctors and nurses who are battling for those sick and putting themselves at risk to save others and also the Chinese government which is doing its utmost to save people from this infection. Here, I turn my attention to the epidemic into a work. I hope that those infected with the virus will recover soon and pray for the end of the epidemic as soon as possible.

Night at Café de Flore, Paris/Rebecca Vincenzi/oil paints

      On February 13, Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association officially sent a letter of condolence to China Artists Association, in which it said: the Chinese people are suffering from the epidemic and its huge impact, which makes them very sad. As a loyal partner and neighbor who have been committed to the development of friendship and cultural exchanges with China for many years, they sincerely hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible. Let's work together with one heart and one mind.


To China Artists Association

       After the Spring Festival, your country has been trying all methods to prevent and control the novel coronavirus pneumonia.
      Japan's newspapers, television and other media have also paid attention to and reported the novel coronavirus epidemic, which is centered in Hubei Province, and affects all parts of China. The increasing number of infected people, the huge pressure of logistics and transportation, the shortage of supplies for epidemic prevention etc, which mean the epidemic situation still hasn't seen a turning point for improvement. The epidemic situation and the huge impact suffered by the Chinese people make us very sad.
     As a loyal partner and neighbor who have been committed to the development of friendship and cultural exchanges with China for many years, we sincerely hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible.
      We will continue to cherish the trust relationship between Japan and China, work hand in hand, and work with one heart and one mind. We will continue to be committed to the cause of cultural exchanges between the two countries in the future.
     Finally, We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to all the victims of this epidemic, and wish all colleagues of your association good health and smooth work, and the ultimate victory in the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association
February 13, 2020




     The Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has made a warm banner to pray for China: winter will pass and spring will absolutely come! Be strong, China! Be strong, Wuhan! Shanghai Cooperation Organization is with you!
(图片来自网络)(The picture from the Internet)

    With the theme "Art and Peace", the Chinese Art's Trip to the World organized by CAA will successively go to Germany, Tajikistan and South Korea to hold the  tour exhibition this year. At the critical moment of China's fight against novel coronavirus pneumonia, Mr. Muhammad Egamzod, minister of Tajikistan Embassy to China, director of Tajikistan-China Cultural Exchange Center wrote a poem in person which is Wuhan should stand up bravely and win this battle! It expresses the international feelings of working together with China and supporting Wuhan, and shows the profound and touching friendship between China and Tajikistan!

       The online release of the series of "special topic on epidemic prevention" on Beijing Biennale official wechat and website, artists made concerted efforts to overcome the difficulties, spread the art of great beauty with great love, protect the family and the people with "art shield", comfort and inspire people with visual art, and contributed a little to helping the world win the battle of new crown virus prevention. We hope that after the epidemic, artists can create more works to soothe people's hearts, arouse deep thinking and record the times.

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E-mail: bjbiennale@163.com (Please mark your nationality in E-mail subject/theme)