Exhibition News

World Book and Copyright Day—BIAB Artwork Appreciation

张雅君(中国)Zhang Yajun(China)
知 / 2010 / 中国画 / 190厘米×52厘米×4
Knowledge / 2010 / Chinese painting / 190cm×52cm×4
Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012





Books are the ladder of human progress.

Books carry knowledge and are the quintessence of human wisdom. Knowledge, the key to everything in daily life, should be acquired through reading. 

In 1995, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23 April, to promote reading and writing and encourage people to honor prominent figures of literature, culture, science and philosophy, as they have made great contributions to human civilization. Today, many countries celebrate the Book Day through various activities. 

On this World Book and Copyright Day, let’s appreciate book-related artworks selected in previous sessions of BIAB to enjoy reading and paintings. 


The 9th Beijing Biennale will begin to accept submissions in 2021, your active participation will be welcomed(the theme creation of the 9th Beijing Biennale being held during Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022 will mainly focus on Winter Olympics and the fight against the Covid-19).

谢郴安(中国)Xie Chen'an(China)

镜中女孩 / 2011 / 布面油画 / 110厘米×100厘米

Girl in the Mirror / 2011 / oil on canvas / 110cm×100cm  


Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012

孙震生(中国)Sun Zhensheng(China)

新学期 / 2011 / 中国画 / 160厘米×180厘米

New Semester / 2011 / Chinese painting / 160cm×180cm


Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012

大卫 • 因东戈(纳米比亚)David Indongo(Namibia) 

不可能的光 / 2018 / 丙烯 / 120厘米 × 150厘米 

Light in the Face of the Impossible / 2018 / acrylic / 120cm×150cm


Works of the 8th Beijing Biennale, 2019

艺术家想要描绘一个贫穷的学生正在艰苦的环境中学习的场景。画面中的女孩点着蜡烛正在努力阅读;尽管周围没有电灯,知识就是引领她人生前行的光亮。The artist wants to portray a scene in which a poor student is learning in a tough environment. The girl in the picture is trying to read with a candle; although there is no electric light around, knowledge is the light that leads her in her life.

熊智豪、周旸(中国)Xiong Zhihao, Zhou Yang(China)

骑楼的旧书店 / 2016 / 漆画 / 200厘米×163厘米

The Secondhand Bookstore under the Arcade / 2016 / lacquer painting / 200cm×163cm 


Works of the 7th Beijing Biennale, 2017


The Silk Road and world civilizations may have many connections both extrinsic and intrinsic. The content chosen by the artists is an intrinsic manifestation of the Silk Road. Books are the record of history and the inheritance of the spirit of the Silk Road while bookstores collect all these records and heritages. The artists adopt various techniques in lacquer painting to present vividly the historical significance of books.

陆浩然(中国)Lu Haoran(China) 

锦灰堆•观山 / 2018 / 水彩 / 130厘米 × 170厘米 

Jin Hui Dui•Guanshan / 2018 / watercolor / 130cm × 170cm 


Works of the 8th Beijing Biennale, 2019

锦灰堆系列是作者近年来一直探索和表达的主题,“锦灰堆”是中国传统绘画的形式之一,也是王世襄先生文集之名。作者借此表达喜欢传统“锦灰堆”的“众人皆弃,余所不弃”的审美情致,喜欢传统知识分子散淡放旷的生命境界。The artist has been exploring and creating the “Jin Hui Dui” series for years. “Jin Hui Dui” (literally, “pile of beautiful ashes”, in which broken curios and antiques in the study of ancient literati are depicted) is a form of traditional Chinese painting and the title of Mr. Wang Shixiang’s collection. The artist takes this opportunity to express his love for the aesthetic sentiment of “Jin Hui Dui” —“abandoned by all but not me”—and his appreciation for the noble and detached state of mind of traditional intellectuals.

彭明顺(中国)Peng Mingshun(China)

蓝色的花 / 2016 / 布面油画 / 170厘米 × 90厘米 

Blue Flowers / 2016 / oil on canvas / 170cm × 90cm 


Works of the 8th Beijing Biennale, 2019

肖希(中国)Xiao Xi(China)

芥子园中的富春山 / 2018 / 书本卷编织, 装置 / 400厘米 × 24厘米 × 1厘米 Fuchun Mountains in Jieziyuan / 2018 / woven book scroll, installation / 400cm × 24cm × 1cm 


Works of the 8th Beijing Biennale, 2019

王健(中国)Wang Jian(China)

入迷系列—看科尔维尔/ 2018 / 布面油画 / 150厘米 × 150厘米 

The Fascinated Series: Watching Colville / 2018 / oil on canvas / 150cm × 150cm 


Works of the 8th Beijing Biennale, 2019

人在深度阅读时会陷入一种出神的状态,作者用看书入迷这一主题来描绘画面中的人物。作者在具体安排细节时,刻意用书“遮挡”画中人的面部,从而让观者聚焦于整幅画面之上,而非只关注画中人物的面部及表情,最终增加了画面的神秘感和可视性。People would fall into a trance when they are “deep reading”, so the artist captures this scene in order to depict the character in the picture. When arranging the details, the artist deliberately “covers” the face of the character with the book, so that the viewers would focus on the whole picture instead of only paying attention to the face and expression of the figure, which largely increases the mystery and artistic effect of the picture.

邱爱艳(中国)Qiu Aiyan(China)

刺字—金刚经 / 2012-2013 / 书籍装置:棉布、棉线刺绣 / 43厘米×78厘米

Embroidery Characters—the Diamond Sutra / 2012-2013 / book installation: cotton cloth, embroidery with cotton threads / 43cm×78cm


Works of the 7th Beijing Biennale, 2017

黄鸣(中国)Huang Ming(China)

沉香之五 / 2013 / 布面油画 / 122厘米×120厘米

Dust of Years V / 2013 / Oil on canvas / 122cm×120cm


Works of the 6th Beijing Biennale, 2015

卢卡•吉奥达诺(意大利)Luca Giordano(Italy)

翻译《圣经》的圣杰罗姆 / 约1650 / 布面油画 / 106厘米×83厘米

St. Jerome, Who Translated the Holy Scriptures / about 1650 / oil on canvas / 106cm×83cm


Works of the 7th Beijing Biennale, 2017

黄胄(中国)Huang Zhou(China)

曹雪芹像 / 1976 / 纸本水墨设色 / 82厘米×62厘米

Cao Xueqin / 1976 / ink and wash, color on paper / 82cm×62cm


Works of the 2nd Beijing Biennale, 2005

奥迪隆•雷东(法国)Odilon Redon(France)

书迷 / 蚀刻版画 / 22.5厘米×17厘米

Le Liseur / Eau-forte / 22.5cm×17cm


Works of the 2nd Beijing Biennale, 2005

阿道夫•费利克斯•卡尔斯(法国)Adolphe Felix Cals(France)

阅读 / 综合材料 / 23厘米×20 厘米

La lecture / Technique mixte / 23cm×20cm


Works of the 2nd Beijing Biennale, 2005

张小迪(中国)Zhang Xiaodi(China)


回—毛泽东选集 / 2011 / 综合 / 80厘米×60厘米×6

Rotation of Books Series / 2011 / mixed media / 80cm×60cm×6   


Works of the 5th Beijing Biennale, 2012

郭全忠(中国) Guo Quanzhong(China)

早读 / 2003 / 纸本水墨设色 / 


Morning Reading / 2003 / ink and wash, color on paper / 144cm×286cm


Works of the 1st Beijing Biennale, 2003

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Tel: 86-10-59759382   59759383    59759391 

Fax: 86-10-59759381  

Website: www.bjbiennale.com.cn (access to both English and Chinese websites) 

Forms download address: http://www.bjbiennale.com.cn/en/ParticipationWay/ 

E-mail: bjbiennale@163.com (Please mark your nationality in E-mail subject/theme)