Appreciationof works

The Girl in the Mirror——Appreciation of works of the 6th BIAB


Daryoush Habibkhani(Iran)

The Girl in the Mirror/2014/mixed media,digital and paint/150cm×120cm

Appreciation: The Girl in the Mirror, a work of mixed media by an Iranian artist Daryoush Habibkhani who made surrealistic creation on the reality-based theme through his own aesthetic taste, ingenious composition, profile, lines, light and texture, which produces a unusual and magic dreamlike feeling out of the ordinary daily life and expresses the artist’s reminiscent mood and aesthetic ideal. There is a time-worn mirror in the work with its mercury coating at theback mottled, but it still reflects a vague facial outline of a beautiful and elegant maiden who is preening herself in front of the mirror. Her clear,shining and smiling eyes is especially appealing and the flower tree and the shadow make the composition complete, unique and serene. 

Daryoush Habibkhani was born in Semnanin 1958 and he is a painter now. He has participated in the 4th BeijingBiennale, the China Photo Exhibition 2011, the Olympic Fine Art Exhibition, London, 2012 and held soloexhibitions in the Saadabad Gallery, Tehran, Iran and attended the IranianArtists Forum, Tehran, Iran and so on.

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