Appreciationof works

The Beauty of Wolf——Appreciation of works of the 6th BIAB



Battur Tsedenpil ( Mongolia)

 The Beauty of Wolf / 2011 / oil on canvas / 164cm×134cm 

Appreciation: Mongolians worship wolf totem. Canis lupus Chanco, strolling in freedom in the prairie, is the unrestrained beauty of wild, potent, sturdy, sorrowful and desolate. A characteristic of Mongolians’ Aesthetic is that the charm of Mongolian girl is seen as the analogy for the beauty of wolf. The female figure in the painting, The Beauty of Wolf, by Mongolian artist Battur Tsedenpil, is exactly such glamorous and fascinated. She stands in front of the darkness of night in prairie, and the graceful look with melancholy eyes is under the elegant costume. The girl figure and the night atmosphere emphasize mystery relationship between human and nature in contradiction and harmony. The brushwork of this oil painting is similar to black and white print, simplifying the complex costume details to line drawings. While the realistic face portion retains the condenser effect in classic oil painting, striking the eye from the rest dark surrounding. (Wang Yong)

Battur Tsedenpil was born in Saikhan sum in 1980 and now he is a teacher of Painting at the Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture. He has participated in the 13th Northeast Asian Art Works Exhibition, China, the 9th Gongju International Art Festival, Korea, Oron zai”Annual Exhibition of Mongolian Artists-teachers, Art gallery of the UMA, the International Exhibition of Artists-teachers, the Project “Eurasia-Art, Russia and so on.

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